Renewables-based energy production

We have considerable expertise in utilizing renewable energy sources and producing energy from waste. We have examples of almost all renewable energy sources in our portfolio, as we dispose of two wind farms, four wind turbines, four solar farms, two hydropower plants, one biomass boiler and two alternative gas plants.

Bábolna wind farm

In August 2020, we acquired a 15-megawatt wind farm with 7 towers located at the outskirts of Bábolna in Komárom-Esztergom County.

Bőny wind turbine

The wind farm, located in the Bőny region of Győr-Moson-Sopron County, consisting of 13 towers with a total capacity of 25 megawatts, was acquired in April 2019.

Ács wind turbine

In the non-residential area of Ács, north of the M1 motorway, we have a VESTAS V90 wind turbine with a tower height of 105 meters and an electrical output of 2 MW.

Törökszentmiklós wind turbine

Our company’s 1.5 MW FUHRLÄNDER MD 70/77 wind turbine with a tower height of 100 meters is located in the middle of the Great Plain, in the non-residential area of Törökszentmiklós and 20 kilometers from Szolnok.

Jánossomorja wind turbine

Our VESTAS V90 wind turbine with an electrical output of 1.8 MW and a tower height of 105 meters is located 15 kilometers from Mosonmagyaróvár, in the Little Hungarian Plain region.

Pápakovácsi wind turbine

In the non-residential area of Pápakovácsi, among the Bakony Hills and 8 km from Pápa, we have a VESTAS V90 wind turbine with a tower height of 105 meters and an electrical output of 2 MW.

Monor solar power plant

Our solar power plants in Monor commenced commercial operation in December 2018. The facility, consisting of a total of 17,072 pieces of 285 W polycrystalline solar cells with a nominal capacity of 4 MW, is our first self-implemented solar farm, which consists of eight solar power plant units of 499 KW each.

Nagykőrös solar power plant

The self-implemented solar farm in Nagykőrös started commercial operation in July 2019 on 18 hectares of land in the non-residential area of the settlement. The facility is made up of a total of 14 solar power plant units with a nominal electrical capacity of 495 KW each.

Balatonberény solar power plant

The 6.9 MW nominal capacity solar power plant, built on 13.4 hectares of abandoned industrial land, consists of 26,784 polycrystalline solar cells of 285 W each, and is connected to the public grid via a substation in Keszthely, about 13 km away.

Domaszék solar power plant

The first operational photovoltaic unit to be included in our power plant portfolio is the nearly 2 MW capacity Domaszék solar power plant, acquired in December 2017 through the purchase of Domaszék 2MW Kft. Its four solar power plant units of 495 KW each were built in the non-residential area of Domaszék, near Szeged, in the summer of 2017.

Gibárt hydropower plant

The village of Gibárt is located in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, next to the River Hernád, 58 km from the river’s mouth. This is the site of a diversion-type hydropower plant, designed in 1901, built in 1902 and commissioned in 1903.

Felsődobsza hydropower plant

The village of Felsődobsza in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County is also located along the River Hernád, 84 km from the river’s mouth. This is the location of the diversion-type hydropower plant, built in 1906 and commissioned in 1911.

Nagykőrös biogas plant

The biogas plant utilizes around 50-60,000 tons of agricultural and food industry waste, by-products, and expired foodstuffs every year, and has been operating since January 1, 2016.

Debrecen small landfill gas power plant I and II

The small power plant uses and disposes of methane-rich landfill gas released during the decomposition of organic waste stored at the Debrecen Regional Landfill Site.


Our business line has been growing dynamically for years. We assist partners in navigating the complex market of natural gas. Our partners include both Hungarian small and medium-sized businesses and large corporations. As a free market trader in natural gas, we do not provide universal service, i.e., we do not serve retail customers.

Operation of BorsodChem Zrt.’s BC Power Plant and BC Therm

The power plant provides most of the energy needs of BorsodChem’s steam requirements and much of its electricity needs.

MOL Petrochemicals: TVK Power Plant

MOL Petrochemicals Co. Ltd. is one of the leading chemical companies in Central Europe. It is one of the country’s largest consumers of heat and desalinated water due to the high energy and water demand of its processes.

MOL Petrochemicals Tisza-WTP Water Treatment Plant

MOL Petrochemicals Co. Ltd. is one of the leading chemical companies in Central Europe. It is one of the country’s largest consumers of heat and desalinated water due to the high energy and water demand of its processes.

Kazincbarcika Heating Power Plant

The Municipality of Kazincbarcika announced a call for applications for the construction and long-term operation of an independent heating power plant based on the needs of the city, to be implemented as part of a greenfield investment.

Tiszaújváros Heating Power Plant

The investment project resulted in a state-of-the-art facility, which offers the economic and environmental benefits of combined heat and electricity generation.

Ózd Heating Power Plant

The block heating power plant covers almost 30% of the heat demand of the city’s district heating system and supplies the district heating supplier with heat energy under a 15-year contract.

Zugló Heating Power Plant

ALTEO operates the heating power plant with its own staff. The facility houses three gas engines and their auxiliary equipment.

Győr Power Plant

The power plant’s current energy generating capacity is 17.7 MW of electricity and 23.9 MW of heat.

Sopron Power Plant

ALTEO Energiaszolgáltató Nyrt.’s Sopron power plant primarily supplies heat energy to companies located in the industrial area of the city, including Soproni Sörgyár, and also supplies heat to Sopron Holding.